If you’re one of the dwindling number of Miamians who hasn’t yet jumped on the technology train, then rest assured there are plenty of noteworthy events coming up that are sure to entice you onboard.
One of our favorite gatherings in recent weeks was Project Lift 1428‘s launch night at the UM Life Science & Technology Park (see below photo). This was an opportunity to hear first-hand what some of the brightest healthcare technology companies in Miami are up to — and they didn’t disappoint.
Jealous and want to make sure you don’t miss the next opportunity? Here’s a sampling of upcoming tech events, courtesy of the Miami Herald:
Here is just a sampling of the larger events planned in South Florida:
2013 Continuity Forum, Nov. 6-7, abccontinuityforum.com
WebCongress, Nov. 7-8, webcongress.com/miami
Miami Tech Summit and Holiday Bash, Nov. 7, miamitechbash.com
Emerging Technology Business Showcase, Nov. 14, edc-tech.org
Miami Mini Maker Faire, Nov. 16, makerfairemiami.eventbrite.com
SIME MIA, Dec. 3-4, simemia.co
TekFight, Dec. 6, tekfight.com
ITPalooza, Dec. 12, itpalooza.e2mktg.com
Startup City: Miami, planned for February, date not yet confirmed
Rokk Miami: planned for next spring, date not yet confirmed
Emerge Americas, May 4-6, emergeamericas.org
Americas Venture Capital Conference, May, entrepreneurship.fiu.edu