Everyone’s mom can drive them crazy at times but when it comes down to it, she is probably one of the few people in this world who will always have your best interest at heart. In honor of Mother’s Day, the Schwartz Media team shares the best advice they’ve received from their mothers.
Whether she is telling you to “work hard,” “always remember to bring a sweater” or “make sure you wear suntan lotion,” these tidbits of wisdom from our moms can be seen in the work that we do and explain why we have such an amazing team here at SMS.
Here’s what our moms have to say.
Julia Bennett
The best advice my mother ever gave me was to put myself in other people’s shoes, in order to better understand where they were coming from and how they felt. Also, a nice pair of shoes can make an outfit!
Jami Baker
My mom gives me advice every day – sometimes I call it nagging – but at the end of the day its all given with love! Whether she is helping me with cooking advice in the kitchen or helping me get through a life crisis of the day, her words of wisdom have always served to be invaluable. Because of her, I am the person I am today. My favorite piece of advice she has given me is “to always surround yourself with people who have a sense of humor, because at the end of the day if you can’t laugh then what’s the point?” Happy Mother’s Day!
Aaron Gordon
Always be curious. Curiosity cures almost anything – boredom, sadness, awkward silences.
People will forget what you said and people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
OK, OK, the second piece of advice is from Maya Angelou, but I like it and she’s a mom, so that sorta counts.
Yudi Fernandez
Cuban moms love to use sayings to get their message across. My mother has always reiterated ‘hay que caminar antes de correr’ (you’ve got to walk before you can run). It’s sort of the equivalent of it’s a marathon not a sprint. Learning and listening are important to drive personal and professional development and success in life. So I’m still running.
Holly Zawyer
My mother-in-law, who recently passed away, was a very special woman. She touched the lives of everyone she knew with her kind heart, love for life and amazing spirit. She will always have a special place in my heart and so will her smart advice on family. She said, “Always stay on the path of good sense. Respect and love. Most important, respect your children as you wish to be respected.”
Allie Schwartz Grant
My mom taught me about unconditional love. She’s always been there for me, is so supportive, never judgmental. She let me find my own way and supported me through the highs and lows of that path. She also told me, if I ever wanted to get married… I should learn how to cook. So I did!
Alisha Marks Tischler
My mom was never one for cliches or pithy words of wisdom but she gives the best damn advice of anyone I know — it’s always thoughtful and unique to the person and the issue at hand. She is so good in fact that growing up, my friends would often call her up when they wanted a lending ear. If you want her number, let me know; she may be willing to do the same for you…
Stephanie Alteta
My mom’s probably the most optimistic person I know and is always telling me to “think good thoughts”. Simple advice, but it’s always stuck. It’s funny that she’s said it to me so much that it’s become something I say to other people now.
Jessica Forres
To give you an idea of the relationship I have with my mom, my
friends often joke that I need to cut the umbilical cord. As my best friend and biggest fan, she’s given me so many words of advice throughout the years, it’s hard to pick the best. Here are some of my favorites from the Vanda.
- Do what you love, the money will come.
- If you can look in the mirror and be proud of the person you’re looking at, you’re a success.
- Wake up every day and say to yourself, today is going to be a great day.
- Always walk into a room smiling.
- Don’t judge a person until you’ve walked in their shoes
Alex Sheckman
My mom is always full of cliches, some more appropriate than others. Whatever her message was, the meaning was always the same. She has always supported me in everything I’ve wanted to do and has always been there for me. There isn’t one specific piece of advice she’s given me that sticks, but I know whenever I need some, she’ll be right there for me.