The Key Biscayne council approved this week a resolution to file a temporary injunction against the city of Miami to halt construction on the Marine Stadium grounds.
After beginning mediation with Key Biscayne over redevelopment of Marine Stadium, the city of Miami held a groundbreaking ceremony at the site on Feb. 10, construction signs were posted on the property and construction began, according to the injunction.
During a special meeting Thursday night, council members discussed the first conflict assessment meeting between the village and Miami, which took place early this week. Some of the council members thought the meeting was unfruitful.
“They were not very forthcoming,” council member James Taintor said. “I think they said nothing. I think our best leverage here is with the lawsuit.”
Mayor Mayra Lindsay said the meeting was not as productive as she had hoped.
The council approved the resolution and instructed its special council to take all necessary steps to move forward with the injunction.
The village and the city will meet again March 30, and a case management conference is scheduled for April 2. Because the village has decided to pursue a motion for conjunctive relief against the city of Miami, the conference will become a hearing and Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge Jerald Bagley will consider the motion.
Also at the March 19 special council meeting:
The council hired Schwartz Media Strategies, a public relations firm, to help the village with challenges regarding the Marine Stadium and bike safety on the Rickenbacker Causeway.
Lindsay and council member Michael Kelly proposed hiring a public relations firm in early February.
“We were both frustrated with the spin and perception that issues are only about Key Biscayne,” Lindsay said.
Aaron Gordon, a partner at Schwartz Media Strategies, addressed the council and explained some of the components of the village’s media campaign.
The campaign plans to strengthen the village’s brand as a desirable place to live and shape public opinion about some of the issues confronting the village, including the lawsuit and bicycle safety.