A new year is an opportunity for us to take stock of our work and set goals for the year ahead. We’re always looking for ways to improve and expand upon what we do, but this year we’ve taken things a step further by polling our team members to learn about everyone’s personal ambitions.
Stay tuned; we’ll be revisiting this rundown at the end of 2015 so we can gauge just how much progress we’ve made.
Alisha Marks Tischler
I aim to become a better listener. It’s not my strong suit or natural inclination, but I find when I actually shut up and listen to what others are saying – I learn more and am better off as a counselor, communicator, client advocate, wife and friend.
Allie Grant
To take things a little slower and appreciate them longer; To be more positive and worry less… don’t sweat the small stuff; To listen more and speak less; To be nonjudgmental and understanding; To keep those I love closer… and spend more time with my grandma!
Stephanie Seriane-Consuegra
My main resolution for 2015 is to take my one-year old black lab on daily walks. I think we can both use the exercise!
Stephanie Alteta
To keep a journal for the year. For daily thoughts, ideas, free writing, etc. It’ll help me get used to writing more + I’ll be able to go back & remember things I’d otherwise forget.
Samantha Ryan
Instead of looking at the glass as half full or half empty, I’m going to be glad that there’s something in it. I also plan on reading more books, writing more, exploring all that Miami has to offer, and volunteering with a local charity or young professionals group. Above it all, I want 2015 to be better than last year.
Tadd Schwartz
On the business side, I’d like to focus on growth initiatives across the board, specifically in the areas of Hispanic campaigns and social media. I also plan to take my employees out to lunch more often. On the home front, I want to be a great dad, husband and better friend. I plan to read a book a month and finish the San Francisco marathon in under 4 hours.
Yudi Fernandez
I commit to exploring more of all that Miami has to offer, such as making more time to attend film festivals and take advantage of the various cultural events our city hosts all year around.
Julia Bennett
My resolution is to get in the best shape of my life for my wedding at the end of the year, and to continue to learn and grow in my career.
Jami Baker
In 2015, I want to learn to cook a new dish each month. Cooking is my way of going home and relaxing, and it’s something I love. Speaking of relaxing, I also plan on getting my money’s worth out of Equinox Brickell and hitting the gym more often!
Jessica Forres
While I pride myself on spontaneity, I’m going to be more thoughtful before making major personal and professional decisions. That doesn’t mean I would turn down a spur of the moment trip to an exotic country, but I’m really going to try finding a balance between following my gut, brain and heart.
Aaron Gordon
I vow to spend more time reading for pleasure. Books, magazines, blogs – everything is fair game. I find reading is the best way to keep plugged into my areas of interest and stay creative. Have a good book recommendation? Email me! And of course, I’m always in search of more time in the day that can be spent with my family.
Jennifer Scorpo
To make more time for exercise, eat better, and to discover and enjoy all that Miami has to offer, culturally speaking.