Folks from the popular ABC show “Shark Tank” will host a casting call at the University of Miami this Friday. We surveyed the bright minds here at Schwartz Media, trawling the waters for the next Shark Tank success story. Think any of our team members are worthy of making the cut?
Alex Sheckman
You’re getting ready for a long road trip from Miami to New York with the family when suddenly all these thoughts start racing through your head: what’s the weather like in North Carolina in two days, is there construction anywhere on our route, what are the best restaurants on our path??? There’s no need to worry about anything with my idea for a road trip app. You will be able to put in your current location, where you’re going, and the days you’re traveling and instantly be able to find everything you need for your trip. You will get a weather report for the certain day you will be in a certain area, the best path to get where you’re going, and any fun spots to visit on the way. Just think how much easier life would be!
Yudi Fernandez
Since I love to wear dresses, the invention of a device that would help me zip up my dresses in a comfortable manner would have my investment.
Stephanie Alteta & Jennifer Scorpo
Traveling is always fun…unless your bags get lost and are never to be found again. Think about all the pieces of luggage that are lost or left behind every year at MIA, or how many bags are lost every day throughout the world? We’re thinking it would be great to have an app that will save you from ever losing your luggage again. With our “Find my baggage” app you’ll be able to track where your luggage stands in the world and trace it! All you need to do is buy a tracking chip (which we’re obviously tech-savvy enough to create) that you attach to your bag and your baggage problems are solved…
Stephanie Seriane-Consuegra
I think I spend around five to ten minutes cleaning my glasses per day. You might call this an obsession, but I just can’t stand trying to see with smudges everywhere. I’d definitely love to see a cute pair of glasses with lenses that self clean. It sounds like a dream to me, but someone can probably make it happen.

Aaron Gordon
They make cars with built-in phones, built-in TVs and built-in tablets; I think it’s high time to introduce a car with a built-in ironing board. You see, I spend a lot of time in meetings, which inherently means I spend a lot of time in the car and, as a result, in a seatbelt. Up and down, in and out, buckled and unbuckled. You get the idea. Each of these vicious cycles breeds countless wrinkles that multiply and metastasize and mushroom like a lab sample in a petri dish. You can’t escape it. So why not install a small ironing board – or even better, a flat electric press – in the back of the driver’s seat. Throw in a battery operated iron for good measure. Say goodbye to wrinkles, say hello to the AutoIron by Aaron. How’s that for alliteration? Take note, Detroit: I’m coming for you.
Samantha Ryan
Let’s face it – when two people share an umbrella, someone’s bound to get rained on, even when it’s one of those double-wide, big expensive ones like the Totes Superdome (what a name). Even if the size of the fully opened umbrella is good enough for two, trying to have two people walk under one umbrella isn’t always easy, either. So, as a solution, why not have an umbrella pop up into two separate side-by-side canopies? Kind of like a side-car. Call it what you want- tandem, twin, double, or even a “bi-brella”- I’d buy one!
Jessica Forres
Do you ever feel like throwing some paint on a canvas but don’t feel like investing in art supplies or taking an art class? Well, at “Colors” coffee and wine lounge, you can paint whenever you want! The menu will not only include coffee, wine and healthy eats but also offer patrons the option of purchasing a canvas and renting a set of acrylic or oil paints along with paint brushes by the hour. To inspire creativity and provide a homley feel, patrons can use any of the easels or kitchen tables scattered throughout lounge or paint at any of the mismatched couches and chairs. And for those who want a little instruction, a variety of art classes will be offered in the upstairs space every night for as little as $10/class.
Julia Bennett
I know the idea of a cat café is already taken but I always thought it would be a great idea to expand the concept to include dogs—adoptable ones of course! While the café would probably want to steer away from serving food, since dogs can get overly excited with food around, the café could focus on only serving coffee and wine. It would be a great opportunity for people to interact with dogs outside of the shelter and see more of their true personalities. I know if one ever opened up in Miami, I would be first in line!
Allie Grant
I would love to see an app like Shazam for live music!