How President-Elect Trump Can Build…Consensus
After what felt like a never-ending presidential campaign, the American people have spoken. Well,…
PR Week: The Messages that Won Over American Voters
Schwartz Media Strategies' Partner Aaron Gordon analyzes the messages of the presidential campaign in…
Protecting Your Reputation in the Information Age
This week, Donald Trump joined a litany of celebrities, politicians and business executives who…
A plagiarism playbook for the Trump campaign
Melania Trump's remarks at the RNC convention in Cleveland were, by all accounts, warm,…
Tweeting to Triumph: How the candidates should be winning votes in 140 characters
If social media traction was an accurate predictor of election outcomes, then Donald Trump will be elected president this November – and by…
A pre-debate crash course for The Donald
Dear The Donald, Congrats, you're leading in the polls. Sure it's early, but you've…