Holocaust surviving attorney looks back for inspiration

Andrew C. Hall, founding partner at Miami-based law firm Hall, Lamb & Hall, was literally born into the Holocaust in Warsaw, Poland in 1944. Yesterday was Yom Ha’Shoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, a day for the entire nation to honor those who were lost in one of the worst genocides in history. Andy remembers not just one day a year, but every day.

andy4“It never leaves my thoughts,” Andy tells Huffington Post Miami, who ran a feature on him and his story to honor Holocaust Remembrance Day.  After fleeing Poland Andy came to Miami where he then went on to attend the University of Florida and study medicine. He took the LSAT on a whim and received such a high score that he was immediately accepted in UF Law School, a career he was clearly meant to pursue.

Having been a Holocaust survivor he has since dedicated his career to defending other victims of terror. Andy has sued Iraq, Libya and Cuba and is currently representing the victims of the 2008 Marriot bombing in Islamabad.  Most recently he secured a $300 Million verdict for the soldiers who were injured in the 2001 bombing of the USS Cole. Andy has truly turned lemons into lemonade – for each case he wins and each victim he represents he remembers all those lost years.  He has vowed to never forget and continue to tell his story, one that without a doubt leaves you with chills.


